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Nature and the circles it weaves

Divya Gujar

When the rain falls to the earth, a thought blooms in mind. Slowly unravelling, it

takes shape fed by the cool summer breeze of nightfall. Everything that leaves the

warm cocoon of the earth falls back onto it and dissolves to become one with the

soil again. In nature, we see flows everywhere. Everything participates in a cycle;

no living or non-sentient being isolates from it. Even the water spirited away ends

up in a loop, and so does every element, including the life-forming carbon and the

breath-giving oxygen.

Every beginning should have an end. But we, humans, have given a cold shoulder

to the natural law of creating things in a cycle. We see this reflected in our linear

economies that have pierced their obstructive stings in the way we do any

transaction, be it with a mass-producing market or the depleting Nature. The

human obsession for symmetry and straight lines has gone so far so that even our

systems of production work in that manner. We begin things without an end in

mind; we consume things without disposal in our thoughts. The dawn of

hedonism has not just taken over the individual but also the vast networks of

corporations billowing carcinogens from their smokestacks while producing stuff

that has already been destined as waste.

In the midst of all this endless consumption arose the revolutionary concept of a

circular economy. Things designed according to how Nature works always result

in a stable and fulfilling system. Attesting to this is the observation that whatever

Nature invents, there is no waste in the process. Every by-product becomes a

resource, and the definition of waste is lacking. The withered leaves discarded by

a tree become a source of food for the tenacious earthworm. Every construction

is simple, using the least amount of materials and generating absolute energy


Our human systems should get inspired by this natural circularity and replicate

similar designs to create our own circular economy. Retaining value in our

products like how Nature does, where the nutrients formed remain nutrients

even after passing through the whole trophic web, is a vital ideology. Not just the

materials utilized by Nature, but also the practices are sustainable enough to

support a whole ecosystem. We can correlate this with ethical sourcing of

resources and the return of products back to the manufacturer after successful


Nature does not perceive its creations as commodities as we do; they hold strong

value, and everyone has their unique niche in the usefulness of life. Every loop is

narrowed, slowed down or closed completely to ensure the continuance of life.

These ideas uncover our potential of how much more efficient can we be as the

producers of redundant objects. Our economy should function as an ecosystem

where nothing goes out of the loop and where everything is inter-connected. Let

us begin the transition from our take-make-dispose attitude to a more circular

vision that reveals a spitting image of Mother Nature.

- Divya Gujar (

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