Do you ever notice a butterfly in your backyard garden and wonder how such a beautiful
manifestation of nature ended up in your backyard space? Yes, I have too! But have you looked at it from a spiritual perspective? Yes, for me too again! However, if you have not, I believe my story will serve you as an inspiration. So, I was taught to look at nature from a spiritual perspective by the butterfly. For me it was a Blue Mormon gracefully fluttering her faded azure wings over my
backyard’s Hibiscus and Bougainvillea and later vanishing into some wild bushes, with no trace of
return. But, only after visiting and exploring it’s home in the sacred forests, the Western Ghats, or
as they call Sahyadris in Marathi, I also learned about beauty of it’s birth place. The birthplace, which is the part of nature, is the one that intended to offer me a spiritual experience through this beautiful butterfly.

I first learned about Blue Mormons in November,2019 and had my first blessed sighting of a Blue
Mormon in Bhimashankar. In Kondhwal forest, to be precise. They say, one should never enter a
forest with expectation, but with hope. I did with neither! I entered the forest with total surrender
and only to get showered by the serenity and divine energy of the forest. The forest wanted me to
listen to it’s trees and flowing streams. I could feel the cool breeze welcoming us with the scents of some wild flowers. Some Grass Yellows distracting us to admire their companion, the wild grasses and together adorning the paved road, making it look like some natural aisle made specially for us.
Soon moments after we were lost in the forest’s magical energy, a small waterfall caught our attention. We stopped for some photographs but moments after, our local guide immediately
informed about a Blue Mormon fluttering right in front of us. Our desire to admire the Blue
Mormon, connected with it’s consciousness, which made it settle on some wild grasses at a distance from us. I never expected to see a Blue Mormon. It was large, beautiful, graceful and divine. I felt
truly blessed by it’s captivating presence. The flowing water, the cool breeze, the silent canopy, the magnificent Sun over our crown and our exalted energy made the entire moment enchanted. After a brief period of time, the Blue Mormon fluttered back it’s way into the forest’s silence.

Though, butterflies like the Blue Mormon occasionally presented itself in front of me in the city, the Blue Mormon in particular, holds a special importance in my heart. It taught me to learn to go with the flow and surrender into the arms of nature, for she will always choose to give back to you. That Blue Mormon made me witness and experience nature from a spiritual perspective and I am always very grateful of it.
- Amruta Deshmukh (