Theme: Adults- Alternatives to disposables
Kids- Protectors of Environment
Results: Posted on Instagram
Poster should be newly made and not submitted anywhere else
No special name or marking should be present on the poster. Participants' names should be present.
Both digital/ handmade posters are accepted. Handmade posters should be properly visible in the picture. Don’t send any postal entry.
Rename your picture as “YOURNAME_Poster/Illustration_POSTERNAME”
The size should not be larger than 10 MB.
Acceptable formats are JPG/JPEG/PNG/ only
Use of unethical and inappropriate words is prohibited.
Participants need to make sure no religious or cultural sentiment should be hurt
Participation Certificates will be provided.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will get a position certificate.
1st Position holder will receive a special gift from The Nature's Eye
Registration Fees- ₹39/-​
Submission Deadline- 20th September 2023